This Baby & Me Storytime was presented at Bellevue Public Library on September 4, 2018.
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury

Hello, Friends!
(tune: "Goodnight Ladies")
Hello friends.
Hello friends.
Hello friends.
We're glad you came today!
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
The Baby in the Cradle
(tune: Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush")
The baby in the cradle goes rock-a-rock-a-rock (4 times)
(With baby on your lap, gently rock from side to side)
2. The clock on the dresser goes tick-a-tick-a-tock (4 times)
(lift baby under her arms and make gentle tick-tock motion)
3. The rain on the window goes tap-a-tap-a-tap (4 times)
(gently tap your fingers on baby's head, cheeks, nose, etc.)
4. Here comes the sun do we clap-a-clap-a-clap! ( 4 times)
Clap Your Hands, 1,2,3
(tune: “This Old Man”)
Clap your hands, one, two, three.
Play a clapping game with me.
Now your hands have gone away.
* Bring them back so we can play!
(last time: “We’ll play this game another day!”)
Goodbye, Friends!
(tune: "Goodnight Ladies")
Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
We're glad you came today!
Here is Baby Ready for a Nap
Here is baby ready for a nap.
I'll lay you down here in my lap.
I'll cover you up so you won't peep,
And rock you 'til you're fast asleep.
Icka Backa Soda Cracker
Icka backa soda cracker, Icka backa boo.
Icka backa soda cracker. Up goes you!
Icka backa soda cracker, Icka backa boo.
Icka backa soda cracker. I love you!
(bounce baby side to side, then lift up on “up goes you” and hug on “I love you”)
Our activity this week was Bean Bags!
Each Baby & Me Storytime includes activities that support one or more of the five early literacy practices identified as essential in helping your child develop the skills they need before they can learn to read. The five practices – singing, talking, reading, playing and writing –were developed for Every Child Ready to Read®, an initiative of the Association for Library Services for Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA).