Each Toddler Storytime includes activities that support all or most of the five early literacy practices identified as essential in helping your child develop the skills they need before they can learn to read. The five practices – singing, talking, reading, playing and writing – were developed for Every Child Ready to Read®, an initiative of the Association for Library Services for Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA).
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr., illustrated by Eric Carle
Hello, Friends!
(tune: "Goodnight Ladies")
Hello friends.
Hello friends.
Hello friends.
We're glad you came today!
Everybody Say Hello!
(tune: "London Bridge")
Everybody say hello, say hello, say hello,
Everybody say hello, hello Wesley!
(Wesley is my turtle puppet who pops out of my apron pocket whenever we sing this song. Then he sits quietly on his rock and listens to the stories and sings along with us. At the end of storytime he says goodbye to the children, gives them high fives, eats pretend food from their hands, blows kisses, and plays hide and seek!)
Clap Your Hands, 1,2,3
(tune: “This Old Man”
Clap your hands, one, two, three.
Play a clapping game with me.
Now your hands have gone away.
* Bring them back so we can play!
(last time: “We’ll play this game another day!”)
Goodbye, Friends!
(tune: "Goodnight Ladies")
Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
We're glad you came today!
I Saw a Little Rabbit
I saw a little rabbit go hop, hop, hop!
I saw his little ears go flop, flop, flop.
I saw his little eyes go blink, blink, blink,
I saw his little nose go twink, twink, twink.
See his coat so soft and furry,
See him hop away in a hurry!

(tune: "Goodnight Ladies")
Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
We're glad you came today!
I Saw a Little Rabbit
I saw a little rabbit go hop, hop, hop!
I saw his little ears go flop, flop, flop.
I saw his little eyes go blink, blink, blink,
I saw his little nose go twink, twink, twink.
See his coat so soft and furry,
See him hop away in a hurry!

(tune: "Sally Wore a Red Dress")
What's in the green box,
The green box, the green box?
What's in the green box
For us to play?
We spent time during Storytime playing "I Spy With My Little Eye".
Our Storytime families sat around a variety of small objects that were scattered on the floor. Parents were encouraged to play with their own child, saying for example, "I spy a yellow truck", or "I spy a blue starfish." This activity can be replicated at home with a variety of small toys or household objects. Toddlers will often need several seconds to process what is being asked for (they'll think about "yellow" and also think about "truck"). Several more seconds will be needed to locate the specific item, so be patient as their brains and eyes perform these tasks!
We spent time during Storytime playing "I Spy With My Little Eye".
Our Storytime families sat around a variety of small objects that were scattered on the floor. Parents were encouraged to play with their own child, saying for example, "I spy a yellow truck", or "I spy a blue starfish." This activity can be replicated at home with a variety of small toys or household objects. Toddlers will often need several seconds to process what is being asked for (they'll think about "yellow" and also think about "truck"). Several more seconds will be needed to locate the specific item, so be patient as their brains and eyes perform these tasks!
Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library®, PLA and ALSC logos are registered trademarks of the American Library Association and are used with permission.
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