Numeros/ Numbers by Luan Mitten
1, 2, 3 To the Zoo A Counting Book by Eric Carle
My Signing Book of Numbers by Patricia Bellan Gillen
Welcome to Our Library
(tune: "Sing a Song of Sixpence")
Welcome to our library,
Come in and sit right down.
We are all together,
Take a look around.
Here inside our story room
There’s a lot to see and do.
I am happy being here
And making friends with you!
The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar,
Roar, roar, roar,
Roar, roar, roar.
The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar,
All day long!
The snakes at the zoo go hiss, hiss, hiss,
Hiss, hiss, hiss,
Hiss, hiss, hiss.
The snakes at the zoo go hiss, hiss, hiss,
All day long!
The Monkeys at the zoo go ooh, ahh, ahh!
Ooh, ahh, ahh!
Ooh, ahh, ahh!
The monkeys at the zoo go ooh, ahh, ahh!
All day long!
Here we are singing part of the song "The Animals at the Zoo"!
When the Numbers March Right In
(tune: "When the Saints Come Marching In")
Oh, when the numbers march right in,
Oh, when the numbers march right in.
We will count them one by one,
When the numbers march right in.
Oh, one-two-three, and four-five-six,
And seven-eight and nine and ten.
When we finish all our numbers
We will count them once again.
Phew! Here we are singing, marching AND counting in sign language to "When the Numbers March Right In"!
Now It's Time to Say Goodbye!
(Tune: "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain")
Now it’s time to say goodbye to all our friends, “Goodbye!”(clap hands to beat and wave during ‘goodbye’)Now it’s time to say goodbye to all our friends, “Goodbye!”
Now it’s time to say goodbye,
Wave your hands,
Wink your eye,
Now it’s time to say goodbye to all our friends, “Goodbye!”
The children enjoyed counting along as Bridget read 1,2,3 To the Zoo by Eric Carle!
Listening and joining in as Bridget reads 1,2,3 To the Zoo!
"Learning to count using sign language can be kinda tricky!"
Bridget showed us how to use sign language to count up to TEN!
Here we are learning the sign for "seven"!
Hey! We're getting pretty good at this!
Hey! We're getting pretty good at this!
Bridget taught us a fun, new goodbye song! The words are printed above!
Library News:
Next Thursday, April 11, will be our last Toddler Storytime for the 2012-2013 school year.
We will resume storytimes in June!
My thanks to Bridget Mueting for presenting today's storytime! Bridget is nearing the end of her 120-hour practicum at our library. We have kept her very busy getting experience in storytime planning, visiting schools, putting up book displays, designing a Young Adult "Clue" Game Mystery event, and helping with Young Adult game days and Teen Advisory Board meetings. Bridget will be graduating in May with her Master's degree in Library Science!
~Mrs. B.

Each Toddler Storytime includes activities that support one or more of the five early literacy practices identified as essential in helping your child develop the skills they need before they can learn to read. The five practices – singing, talking, reading, playing and writing –were developed for Every Child Ready to Read®, an initiative of the Association for Library Services for Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA).
Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library®, PLA and ALSC logos are registered trademarks of the American Library Association and are used with permission.
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