Thursday, October 12, 2017

Preschool Storytime: Teddy Bears!

This Preschool Storytime was presented at Bellevue Public Library on October 11 & 12, 2017.

Each Preschool Storytime includes activities that support all or most of the five early literacy practices identified as essential in helping your child develop the skills they need before they can learn to read. The five practices – singing, talking, reading, playing and writing – were developed for Every Child Ready to Read®, an initiative of the Association for Library Services for Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA).


Tell Me The Day Backwards by Albert Lamb, illustrated by David McPhail

(I love this story for its focus on remembering the past... which, for very young children, means the very recent past!  It can be a fun exercise to help your child understand concepts such as "earlier", "before" and "after" by spending time talking about what has already happened and in what order they occurred.  For many children, a good place to start might be helping them differentiate between what happened before lunch and after lunch. Younger children might tackle 1-3 events (e.g. "Before lunch I got out of bed and I had breakfast!") Older children may remember more detail such as, "I watched the garbage truck go down our street.  Before that I helped you make sandwiches, and before that we went to the store!")

Home Before Dark by Ian Beck


Hello, Friends!
(tune: "Goodnight Ladies")

Hello friends.
Hello friends.
Hello friends.
We're glad you came today!

Everybody Say Hello!
(tune: "London Bridge")

Everybody say hello, say hello, say hello,
Everybody say hello, hello Wesley!

(Wesley is my turtle puppet who pops out of my apron pocket whenever we sing this song.  Then he sits quietly on his rock and listens to the stories and sings along with us.  At the end of storytime he says goodbye to the children, gives them high fives, eats pretend food from their hands, blows kisses, and plays hide and seek!)

Goodbye, Friends!
(tune: "Goodnight Ladies")

Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
Goodbye friends.
We're glad you came today!

What's in the Green Box?
(tune: "Sally Wore a Red Dress")

What's in the green box,

The green box, the green box?
What's in the green box 
For us to play?


Our green box this week held multi-colored plastic bear counters and a variety of pattern sheets.  Children were encouraged to determine the pattern and add an additional bear of the correct size and color to continue the pattern.

Two activity sheets were made available to families:

Teddy Bear dot-to-dot sheet:
I took a line drawing of a bear, then used white out to take out the lines for its head.  I then added dots and numbers from 1-10.

Teddy Bear tracing sheet:
Activities such as this help children develop their hand and arm muscles as they hold and control their crayon, pencil, or marker.  They also gain experience coordinating their hands and eyes.

Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library®, PLA and ALSC logos are registered trademarks of the American Library Association and are used with permission.

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