Presented at Bellevue Public Library on Wednesday, December 12, 2012.
Jesse Bear's Tum-Yum Tickle by Nancy White Carlstrom, illustrated by Bruce Degen
Welcome to Storytime!
(tune: Old McDonald)
At storytime we have (child's name) today.
We're so glad, let's shout hooray!
Jingle Bells
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a
one-horse open sleigh! (2x)
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go,
Laughing all the way!
Bells on bobtail ring,
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight!
The Baby in the Cradle
(tune: Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush")
The baby in the cradle goes rock-a-rock-a-rock (4 times)
(With baby on your lap, gently rock from side to side)
2. The clock on the dresser goes tick-a-tick-a-tock (4 times)
(lift baby under her arms and make gentle tick-tock motion)
3. The rain on the window goes tap-a-tap-a-tap (4 times)
(gently tap your fingers on baby's head, cheeks, nose, etc.)
4. Here comes the sun do we clap-a-clap-a-clap! ( 4 times)
One Little Baby Rocking in a Tree
One little baby rocking in a tree.
(gently rock child)
Two little babies splashing in the sea.
(adult/child make "splashing" motion)
Three little babies crawling on the floor.
(move hands in "walking" motion in front of child)
Four little babies knocking at the door.
(make a fist and "knock" in the air)
Five little babies playing hide and seek.
(cover eyes with hands)
Don't look! Don't look!
Until I say...PEEK!
(uncover eyes)
Bounce, Tickle and Kiss!
I bounce you here
I bounce you there,
I bounce you, bounce you everywhere!
I tickle you here,
I tickle you there,
I tickle you, tickle you everywhere!
I kiss you here,
I kiss you there,
I kiss you, kiss you everywhere!
Our Hands Say Goodbye
Our hands say goodbye with a clap, clap, clap.
Our feet say goodbye with a tap, tap, tap.
Clap, clap, clap,
Tap, tap, tap.
We roll our hands around and say... "Let's do it again!"
Our hands say goodbye with a clap, clap, clap.Our feet say goodbye with a tap, tap, tap.
Clap, clap, clap,
Tap, tap, tap.
We roll our hands around and say... "Goodbye!"
Our ExploreTime Activity this week was Puppets!
It was great fun to enjoy puppets with our little ones today! Animal puppets can meow, oink and bark, they can crawl, swim and hop, and they come in every color of the rainbow!

Throughout the month of December I have been sharing some insights with parents and caregivers about the importance of talking to and with their children. This month will offer many opportunities to introduce rich vocabulary as you describe some of what your child is seeing, hearing and experiencing: "crispy, crunchy snow" (if and when it comes!), "twinkling lights", the deep resonating "Ho! Ho! Ho!" of Santa at the mall, the "stiff, prickly pine needles on the tree", etc. Children will delight in the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the holidays, especially when they experience it with you!
Next Wednesday, December 19 will be our last Baby & Me Storytime for the year. We will resume on January 9, 2013!