Wesley the Turtle and I - and my puppet friend Fred the Firefighter - enjoyed seeing all the wonderful students at Golden Hills Head Start this week!
The children each received a new book of his/her
choice as a gift from the Bellevue Public Library.
I hope the children enjoy reading their books
with their parents and other caregivers!
(Even though Piggy Wiggy is not a real firefighter, he sure likes to pretend he is!
And he also knows that, if there is a fire, the real firefighters will be there to do their job!)
My Mom is a Firefighter by Lois G. Grambling, illustrated by Jane Manning
(Billy knows alot about what to do if there is a fire. He has learned from an expert - his mom! It can be very exhausting work battling a fire, and even though he can't help with the fire, he can do something to help the firefighters!)
Everybody Say Hello!
(tune: "London Bridge")
Everybody say hello, say hello, say hello,
Everybody say hello, hello Wesley!
(Wesley is my turtle puppet who pops out of my apron pocket whenever we sing this song. Then he sits quietly on his rock and listens to the stories and sings along with us. At the end of storytime he says goodbye to the children, gives them high fives, eats pretend food from their hands, blows kisses, and plays hide and seek!)
Hurry, Hurry, Drive the Fire Truck!
(tune: "One Little, Two Little...")
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck!
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck!
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck!
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Additional verses:
Hurry, hurry, turn the corner...
Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder...
Hurry, hurry, squirt the water...
Final verse:
Slowly, slowly, back to the station.
Slowly, slowly, back to the station.
Slowly, slowly, back to the station.
Now our work is done!
One young student named Cameron pretended to feed Wesley a piece of cake, announcing, "Today is Wesley's birthday!" As I have never established a birthday for my puppet, I figured that September 30 is as good a day as any! Thanks, Cameron, for pointing out this important date! And..."Happy Birthday, Wesley!"
My next visit to Golden Hills Head Start will be on Thursday, October 24 for Miss Amy's afternoon class, and Monday, October 28, 2013 for the morning classes!
Each Outreach Storytime includes activities that support one or more of the five early literacy practices identified as essential in helping your child develop the skills they need before they can learn to read. The five practices – singing, talking, reading, playing and writing –were developed for Every Child Ready to Read®, an initiative of the Association for Library Services for Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA).
Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library®, PLA and ALSC logos are registered trademarks of the American Library Association and are used with permission.