Friday, March 7, 2014


Presented at Bellevue Public Library to Mrs. Hart's students from Aldersgate Preschool on Thursday, March 6, 2014.


Six Hogs on a Scooter written by Eileen Spinelli, illustrated by Scott Nash

There Was a Bold Lady Who Wanted a Star 
written and illustrated by Charise Mericle Harper

I Wish I Were a Pilot written by Stella Blackstone, illustrated by Max Grover


Oh, When I Walk Across the Street
(tune: "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In")

Oh, when I walk across the street,
Oh, when I walk across the street,
I always take the hand of a grown-up,
When I walk across the street.

Oh, when I walk across the street,
Oh, when I walk across the street,
I always STOP...LOOK...and LISTEN,
When I walk across the street.

Oh, when I walk across the street,
Oh, when I walk across the street,
I always cross at the crosswalk,
When I walk across the street.

The Wheels on the Bus

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round,
'round and 'round, 'round and 'round,
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round,
All through the town.

The children on the bus bounce up and down...
The wheels on the bus go faster and faster...
The children on the bus shout, "Wheeeeee!"...
The wheels on the bus go slower and slower...

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the children as well as the many parents and younger siblings who accompanied them to the library.  At the end of storytime, with a few minutes before it was time to head back to school, it was wonderful to see so many of the adults take out a book and read to a small group of youngsters!  Such a great example is set every time you open a book and read with a child!

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