Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mmm,mmm, FOOD!

Presented at Bellevue Public Library on Thursday, October 4, 2012.


Mouse Mess by Linnea Riley

"Hi, Pizza Man!" by  Virginia Walter

Crunch Munch by Jonathan London


First We Wave Our Hands Up High
(tune: "London Bridge")

First we wave our hands up high, hands up high, hands up high.
First we wave our hands up high.  Then we clap them!

Then we shake our hands down low, hands down low, hands down low.
Then we shake our hands down low.  Then we hide them!

Storytime Has Ended
(tune: "Did You Ever See a Lassie?")

Storytime has ended, has ended, has ended.
Storytime has ended 'til we meet again.

(Children wave to each other as we continue)
'Til we meet, 'til we meet, 'til we meet, 'til we meet.
Storytime has ended 'til we meet again.


Our Hands Say Hello!

Our hands say hello with a clap, clap, clap.
Our feet say hello with a tap, tap, tap.
Clap, clap, clap,
Tap, tap, tap.
Turn around and take a bow.
Sit right down. It's Storytime now!

Five Red Apples

Five red apples growing on a tree.
(raise hands out to form branches)

There's some for you and some for me!
(point to others, then to self)

When we shake the tree just so,
(shake body)

Five red apples will fall below.
(close, then open fist as though dropping each apple)

Mrs. B's Pre-Sliced Bananas!
I shared bananas with the children at Storytime today.  But these weren't ordinary bananas...these were pre-sliced bananas!  Here is a video from our Storytime:

And now... to learn how I made my pre-sliced bananas:

Enrichment Activity:
Talking with your child is an important and fun activity that will benefit your child as he gets ready to read.  This week, and in the coming weeks, engage your toddler in conversation as you do your grocery shopping. Here are some sample conversation starters:

* At home: ("What are some fruits we can add to our list?  Are there any pickles in the fridge, or do we need to buy more?")
* As you go down the aisles: ("There are the green beans.  Do we need any green beans today?"  Do you see any other vegetables we can buy?")
* At the checkout counter: ("Let's put all the cold items on the counter first.  Can you help me find the cold foods?")


  1. This is lovely. I hope I can follow it frequently.

    1. Thanks Sister Elizabeth. I welcome your comments. What amazing experiences you must have had! I was especially interested to read that you taught children in Peru. Through Compassion International, my husband and I sponsor a sweet little girl named Leticia, who lives in San Pedro.
      Thanks again for visiting my blog!
