The Three Little Rigs by David Gordon
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker, illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld
We Dig Books!
(tune: "Three Blind Mice")
We dig books!
Books! Books! Books!
We're hooked on books!
Books! Books! Books!
Whenever we have some time to spare,
We curl up in a comfy chair,
And read about people from here to there.
In books, books, books!
Books! Books! Books!
My Favorite Machine
(tune: "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean")
(Piggyback Songs, adapted by Sue Eilers & Mary Marshall)
My favorite machine is a back hoe.
I sure like the way that it works.
My favorite machine is a backhoe.
Oh, come watch my backhoe at work!
Scoop dirt, scoop dirt,
I sure like the way that it works, it works!
Scoop dirt, scoop dirt,Oh, come watch my backhoe at work!
My favorite machine is a dump truck.
I sure like the way that it works.
My favorite machine is a dump truck.
Oh, come watch my dump truck at work!
Dump dirt, dump dirt,
I sure like the way that it works, it works!
Dump dirt, dump dirt,Oh, come watch my dump truck at work!
I’m a Little Dump Truck
(tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
Adapted by Kapila S. Love and Sarah Northshield
I’m a little dump truck strong and stout.
(Make arm motions demonstrating strength and stoutness)
Hauling stuff around is what I’m about!
(Motion carrying things)
When I get all filled up the workers shout,
(Cup hands by mouth as if shouting)
Dump me over and pour me out!
(Fingers interlaced over head, tip to one side)
Building a House
Building a house is lots of work.
(wipe brow)
First you dig up lots of dirt,
(pretend to dig)
Then you pour a concrete floor,
(touch floor)
And don't forget to add a door!
(draw a rectangular door in the air)
Lots of windows go in fast,
(stack open hands, palms facing you, then separate them by moving the top hand up and the bottom hand down)
Now your house is done at last!
(hands form roof above head)
Open, Shut Them
(a goodbye chant)
Open, shut them,
(open hands, then close into fists)
Open, shut them,
Give a little clap, clap, clap.
(clap 3 times)
Open, shut them,
(open hands, then close into fists)
Open, shut them,
Lay them in your lap, lap, lap.
(pat your legs three times)
Waving, waving, waving, waving,
High up in the sky, sky, sky.
Wave to me, I'll wave to you,
Now let's all say "Goodbye, bye, bye!"
Start out s-l-o-w-l-y, then increase the speed on the second time through. Can you go even faster when you say it for the third time?!
LIBRARY NEWS: Reading ROCKS! Storytime will NOT be held next week due to the 4th of July holiday. Our next Reading ROCKS! Storytime will be held on July 10 & 11, 2013!

Each Reading ROCKS! Storytime includes activities that support one or more of the five early literacy practices identified as essential in helping your child develop the skills they need before they can learn to read. The five practices – singing, talking, reading, playing and writing –were developed for Every Child Ready to Read®, an initiative of the Association for Library Services for Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA).
Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library®, PLA and ALSC logos are registered trademarks of the American Library Association and are used with permission.
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